Wednesday, September 03, 2008

American Political Revolution

Beyond all odds are two presidential campaigns, Senator Obama's and Senator McCain's, that remain standing after 18 months of incessant campaining.

How else to describe America's two major parties nominating Senator Obama and Senator McCain to their Presidential tickets? The juggernaut Clinton team vaunted and unbeatable faced South Side Chicago talent promoting "Change you Can Believe In". Obama's long shot bid ends on top. Change defeated Senator Clinton.

McCain, hardly the favorite of Republicans, in a strange turn of electoral primary politics found himself dashing to the nomination as Romney, Juliani, Thompson, and Huckabee traded blows until each ran out of money or votes. Left standing- the Maverick McCain. Out in the cold, all the wannabe conservatives that split the votes.

Democrats conquered the world with their post-racial candidate. Republicans promised to stay home and lose-until Sarah Palin showed up.

How do we handicap the race now? McCain stunningly bolts ahead of Obama in the polls by 2-3 points post DNC and RNC conventions with Sarah Palin added to the ticket. McCain leads bellwhether Ohio by 7 points. Florida is tied. And Pennsylvania is slightly Obama's to win.

Republicans are now promising to rally each other to the polls. Reagan's political legacy, Sarah Palin, has to be protected and nurtured for four years. Obama supporters are wringing their hands at the Biden VP choice knowing that 18 million Hillary supporters are as disenchanted as the Republicans were prior to Sarah Palin's arrival to the McCain ticket.

Obama, the outsider, promises change with the ultimate insider, Joe Biden. John McCain, the 28 year insider, promises reform with the ultimate outsider, Sarah Palin.

If Americans are not mesmerized enough yet by the multiplicity of ironies embodied by both campaigns, eight more weeks is plenty to conjure up more of the same.

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