Thursday, September 04, 2008

America's New Girl?

It was the morning after as the political stileto drew political blood from the Obama campaign. The unassuming girl from Alaska, had won the hearts of Americans.

America is a good place. The people want smaller and more accountable government. Palin represents the values of both. How long has it been since we have seen a Republican embody both values?

Governor Palin's indictment of Senator Obama's sparse record resonated well.

Authentic beliefs are apparently important to middle class Americans. The gun-packing mother invaded the lives of average Americans. Politically "born again", American spirits across the nation were lifted from the parched wilderness of Republican land.

What are Americans seeing? Giddy moms saw mother of five, keeper of husband, and activist in community expound her ideas through "real talk".

Husbands watched a reflection of the best the female gender has to offer. Some saw the strength of their mother. Others, the tenacity of the sister. Other husbands saw glimpses of their wives asserting strength and feminism in a rhapsody of eloquent grace.

Senator McCain's record and character have teamed up with no-nonsense Sarah Palin. And as Governor Palin addressed the crowd with surgical precision, her words exposed the paltry experience and record of Senator Obama.

In a whirlwind of 5 days, conservatives have found a hero. Centrist women have found a life-long friend. Liberals have met their nemesis, and need pyschotherapy.

The Ronald Reagan revolution has been re-launched.

If liberals wanted a popularity contest, Senator McCain has countered. McCain is now the "coolest" guy in the race. Why? He has the babe as his VP. Palin is Reagan's political child. The reincaration of the venerable and dusty ideas are being resurrected.

Is it possible that for the first time in American history Americans will go to the voting booth because of a Vice Presidential choice?

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