Sunday, August 31, 2008

Reagan's Political Child?

Could there have been a more stunning announcement for Vice President than John McCain's choice? It was not the short list of Lieberman, Romney, or Paulente, but Alaska's Governor, the all-American girl Sarah Palin that struck Americans.

Sarah Palin is the attractive, energetic, and graceful woman whose 'gun-totin', hockey-playing (Karl Rove), mother of five whose conservative convictions gave meteoric rise to the improbable political prominence is the stuff of legend:

Average hockey mom, turned PTA mom-elected city council representaive-elected Walicia Mayor---

Appointed to the Alaska commission of Oil & Gas, Sarah Palin found corruption and reported it to the Governor. The Governor did nothing. She resigned in protest-not a good career move. Then, the former Mayor of 9,000 people filed and ran for Lieutenant governor. She lost. She then filed and ran against the empowered governor of the Republican primary.

She took on the GOP party machine. She fought corruption, waste, and fraud. The people believed her. She ousted the Governor of her own party in a primary election. She then beat the Democratic nominee, assumed office, and created the legend that has only just begun to grow.

How proud would the conservative Coolidge, the unheralded hero of limited government be, to have the corruption-busting woman on his ticket?

What about our beloved "Ike" in 1952 who entered the presidency attempting to reel in federal spending? No doubt the war hero tried. But Washington's dazzling complexities and leaching bureacracies from Treasury, the Fed, the Senate, and Capitol Hill with the heresy of Keynsian economics in vogue overwhelmed the administration's good intentions. Would Sarah Palin have made a difference as Eisenhower's Vice President?

How about the much maligned Warren Harding? Was it not Harding who appointed Charles Dawes as special counsel reporting directly to the President about finding and shuting down waste, fraud, and corruption in the early 1920's? A billion dollars later in savings of the people's money compelled Coolidge in 1924 to appoint Dawes as Vice President. Wouldn't Harding have been impressed with the beauty queen known as Sarah the Barracuda's corruption-busting resume' from Alaska?

America's Goliaths, Eisenhower and Reagan, have had their shot at eliminating fraud, waste, and corruption of federal government. Yet, even immortals such as these had an uncompliant Congress to contend with.

Indeed, even the 1824 Andrew Jackson who was the last president to eliminate America's national debt, just might have appreciated the company of Sarah Palin when dealing with those big-government Henry Clay and John Calhoun types.

So where are these common-sense conservatives today? They are few a far between. Peter, King, Jeff Flake, John Cornyn, etc...are drowned out by avarice officials placing their careers above country.

Dinasour conservatives such as Robert Taft, Barry Goldwater, and Ronald Reagan who promised more liberty and less government over the people, have found a beauty queen contestant to carry the fight for the people. In the image of 20th century conservative Republicanism, Sarah Palin, has arrived with resume' in hand:

First acts upon entering Alaska's Gubernatorial office:
  • eliminate governor chauffer service telling employees that they can drive their own cars
  • fire the governor's chef stating that "my children can make their own sandwiches"
  • send $1200 of Alaskan surpluses to each resident of Alaska
  • pursue and prosecute corrupt officials, including Ted Stevens, Republican Senator under investigation
  • fight to dispense billions of dollars of oil to Americans paying $4.00 per gallon at the pumps
  • veto spending bills equalling half a billion dollars as governor
  • leading Alaska to a state budget surplus
Is it any wonder that the anti- "Pork & Barrrel" maverick, Senator McCain, may have met his political soul mate? Reagan, Eisenhower, Coolidge, and Harding would have thought so. Palin's campaign in runing for Mayor of little ole' Wasila was simple: "Eliminate wasteful spending and cut taxes for the people".

Prosecuting life-long politicians in the Alaskan "good old boy network" is dangerous to life, limb, and reputation. This mother of 5 children employed the grit and tenacity to do what politicians tremble at doing. She embarked on a path to destroy the political lives of those stealing from the people of Alaska. Do what is right said she, and end bribery, corruption, and theft from the people of Alaska.

What is the meaning of Palin now who is catapulted onto the national stage?

Palin, as a beginning crusader in Washington, will not stop. She can't. Its embedded in her DNA. Her passion for right and the common good is much like the demands of well-respected RFK 40 years ago, who received a bullet in the head while on the hunt to destroy injustice and wrongdoing. To fellow conservatives like Peter King, Ron Paul, Jeff Flake, etc...Palin's appointment is a breath of fresh air. To the rest of Capitol Hill's legislators, look out!

If Sarah, the barracuda, will chase down and prosecute evil in her own "good old boy" Republican party in Alaska, will there be mercy for any Republican or Democrat in Washington? Knees are shaking in Washington, elephants and donkeys alike, as they should be.

Israel had her Deborah. In a time when "Everyone did what was rigth in their own eyes", Deborah stood risking life and limb for country. She stood where men feared to tread. She led a fight in her day that most would not. Today she is called "Hero". She is a marvel.

Perhaps a bit less astounding than Joan of Arc, the unsuspecting and inspiring liberator of France from the grip of English conquest in 1429. Nonetheless, Sarah Palin has stormed onto the American stage with a record of rewriting Alaskan ethics and politics.

Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and all the big-time earmark representatives will see business no longer as usual. In our making, a legend is sprouting. She's the all-American girl whose legend has just begun to grow. Reagan's political disciples on Capitol Hill have become silenced lambs since the glory days of "Contract with America".

While the people's representatives have looted the treasury like Wild Bill Hickock, Teddy Roosevelt's types are riding into town for a showdown. Its McCain and Palin. Teddy Roosevelt charged San Juan Hill leading the famed Rough Riders into war in 1898. Washington will soon be under siege with a new Roosevelt-type ticket that will fight earmark and pork spending.

History does not make great men. Great men make history. The Vice Presidential candidate for the Republican party with her counterpart may be the prelude to the stuff of legends.

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