Friday, December 14, 2007

Democrats and Religion?

Joe Biden, Democratic candidate for President of the United States, in a live debate paraphrased his church-going hymn before the American people. On stage with the other Democratic candidates, Biden's words drew utter contempt and disapproval. Electric pulses wired to Democratic voters in a FOX News polling venue caught the truth about 21st century Democrats.

Religion is off limits. Don't speak it. Don't appeal to it. The earthy modernists of FDR's enlightened 1930's party have progressed far beyond God apparently.

So who are these Democrats that so despise the words that came from Senator Biden's mouth? The ACLU, NARAL, Planned Parenthood, feminists, the Sierra Club, the NAACP, the Gay & Lesbian Alliance, the Tree Hugger Environmental Wackos, the PITA crowd, and of course NAMBLA to round of the star-studded cast of winners. Aren't these just your good old-fashioned apple pie American organizations?

Oh! Dare we forget: The newest club in town know as the God Haters of America belong here as well- right?

The mere mention of God apparently boils the blood of Blue State voters. Just ask Joe Biden. Mention Jesus and all hell breaks loose! Cross the line by quoting scripture and end up with a pink slip at the door losing your right to be a card carrying Democrat.

What would today's Democrats do with "The First Great American", Benjamin Franklin?

"God governs in the affairs of man. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid? We have been assured in the Sacred Writings that except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. I firmly believe this. I also believe that, without His concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel” –Constitutional Convention of 1787 original manuscript of this speech

Can you imagine the blowback from progressive liberals in the Democratic party hearing the first great patriot expounding on stage before the nation? Do John Jay, Samuel Adams, John Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Webster, etc... have any meaning to this hardened group of Americans other than being a bunch of dead white guys?

And what if---we were to compare patriots of old with our enlightened Democratic politicians today?

Wasn't it presidential candidate John Kerry in the 2004 election who needed a spiriutal advisor to tutor him on the religious phrases to use before the American people concerning God? Can we imagine Washington, Jefferson, or or Jay seeking a refresher course on how to speak to fellow Americans about God? Of course the spiritual advisor chosen was none other than the same lady who stood before the Supreme Court fighting to strike down religious references within our school system.
Wasn't it Howard Dean, former presidential candidate and head of the DNC, when asked what his favorite New Testatement book was provide Job as his certain answer? Maybe shades of Patrick Henry or Daniel Webster are not to be found here either?

How about lead tree hugger of the world and Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore running for President in 2000 discombulating Jesus' words completely by telling his audience "where your treasure is there your heart is" as he was blathering about global warming? James Madison I'm sure would have been proud of Mr. Love Canal's command of biblical referencing.

Is it any wonder that smart Democratic strategists in early 2007 cooked up a "faith summit" scheme. Senator Clinton, John Edwards, and Barak Obama gathered to convince Americans that Republicans aren't the only ones who have faith, God, and spirituality. Somehow these Democratic candidates with a straight face wanted desperately to tell us all that they believed in God just as much as the Republican candidates did.

But questions do abound beyond their trite words-

Aren't these Democrats the ones who believe in aborting babies by the millions? What would Jesus do? Aren't these enlightened democrats the ones who defend the upright practice of gay marriage and abandon traditional marriage? Where would Jesus land on this issue?

Aren't these holy Democrats the ones that go around planting condomns, sex-education, and transgender homosexual teachings to our kids? Aren't these godly Democrats the ones who appoint liberal judges that release hardened criminals such as murderers, rapists, and pedophiles out on early release programs?

And these saintly Democrats on the 7th day- then hold a summit to tell Americans that God is on their side too!!!!

Presidential candidates may try to revive God in their own party without being tarred and feathered leaving an auditorium. But while God remians dead with most of these serious Democratic progressives, he is alive and well amongst the American people.

Unspoken in American politics is a simple rule:

Feeding the soul is as much the job of a politician as feeding the belly!!!

Obama's favorables, Huckabee's favorables, Reagan's favorables, Bush #43's favorables, Clinton's favorables, and yes - even Carter's initial success reveals that Americans look to be inspired; not lectured with policies, numbers, and charts.

Americans listen to men of faith. Democrats have starved America's soul by talking human talk instead of inspirational talk linked to God. Only when Democrats get this message will they begin to succeed drawing the American people to their side.

It was President George Washington who stated, "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and Bible."

Will it be Washington's words or the Democrat's words which will resonate with America's voters in 2008?

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