Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tackling the Warren Court's Worst Decision Ever???

Why is it that the same Democratic party that celebrates the right kill babies is the same party that forced innocent and vulnerable black families to pick cotton in unspeakable conditions to enrich white families? (its not a low blow; its true)

Is this a party that we can trust- Hillary (The Socialist Queen), Mr. GQ Obama, The Ambulance Chaser John Edwards, Bill "The Chinaman" Richardson, Kennedy "The Keeper of the Poor"??? Aren't these the elitist liberals that tell us they cry for the poor, vulnerable, and innocent of our nation???

Yet--with feet, hands, fingernails, a heart, nose and mouth, little baby girls and boys are forced to endure the "sucking of their brains out" compliments of the LSDers (liberal socialist democrats) above who claim to love the poor, innocent, and the most vulnerable of us all.

So awful is the abortion procedure, that even the FCC will not allow documentaries, commercials, etc...to run on American airwaves showing the images. Do you suppose that killing live babies is just a little too disturbing for even liberals to witness? Such commercials might actually force liberals to seek treatment for mental and emotional disorders, if they witnessed their handiwork policies in action.

Why do liberals use euphemisms like:
  • fetus - when we have a baby
  • family planning - when an innocent todler faces death
  • reproductive rights - when she chooses to be promiscuous

These sterile terms license promisuous women to eliminate life without having to think to greatly about what they are doing. Sterile, deceitful terms; thats the method used to sear a liberal's conscience from the ghastly deed.

Now with Alito and Roberts helping uphold a "partial birth abortion ban", liberals have gone verbally wild. Salivating wildly, Mr. "G.Q." Obama and "The Socialist Queen" Hillary have come out swinging demanding more abortions be allowed to take place in the final trimester of a pregnancy. Such a procedure entails the following:

Pulling a baby from mommy's uterus to puncture and crush her skull.

Oh Happy Days - the Donkeys (the dem's) reminisce about the good old days when a baby was pulled from a mommy's uterus so to have her skull punctured. Of course, even better if the procedure didn't work. The doctor would have the tortured baby placed on a cold table in a dark room allowing the baby to simply die with no food, water, or attention in the hospital.

This is women's rights? Family planning? (Next time don't call child protective services on a mommy when a child gets a spanking for acting like a brat- right?)

And the cruel Roberts court would dare keep this murder procedure illegal? What kind of an insensitive oager and male chauvenist is the Roberts fellow who dares to violate a woman's right to torture unborns?

If you didn't know it before, Liberals are a bad idea for you, your community, and our nation.

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