Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Liberals Eliminating Our Freedoms Again!

How crafty are liberals in Washington? While their pet open border amnesty bill was crashing to the ground, Pelosi, Reed, Kennedy, and the gang of big spenders flew an "energy bill" under the radar screen as Americans were watching the open border debate.

The "energy bill", so called by Washington insiders, mandates that all vehicles manufactured and sold in the United States must meet a minimum fuel standard of 35 mpg by 2020.

Sounds great--until you ask...

Since when did the Constitution grant Pelosi, Reed, Kennedy, etc...the king's scepter to invade your life to eliminate your freedom to choose the type of vehicle you can drive? I thought we elected these officials to Washington to fight the "war on terror", secure our borders, and to be fiscally responsible??? Oh-but then again, the Constitution has never stopped liberals from invading our lives, has it?

Is that the job of the Congress to tell private business and private citizens what kind of vehicles they are allowed to drive? The SUV, minivan, Ford Truck, and Hummer have been all but practically eliminated from the assembly line. The favorite vehicles for Americans to drive have just been given their death sentence by the imperial Congress.

Can you imagine what the American people's reaction in the 1830's to a Congressional mandate that large wagons were going to be outlawed because the strain was found to be too difficult on the horses?

Good ole' cowboys would have rustled up the 1830's paltry Sierra Club, the Tree Huggers Association, and the Global Warming crowd (if there were any of them oddballs)- hog tied them- rode them to Washington in the largest wagons possible. These conservative cowboys would then have barged into the representatives offices demanding to know who voted to eliminate the large wagons that were being used.

These cowboys would have then dropped these cooky environmentalists they drove to Washington into the offices of the liberals that were elected.

These American cowboys would have left one message for these liberal types attempting to restrict the freedom of the people: try enforcing your laws and see if you won't end up like King George III"s tarred and feathered tax collecting goons of the Revolutionary War--

Liberals are famous for ramming through legislation that is intended to help the citizens. Better gas mileage and less use of oil is no doubt the motive of "Nanny" Congress.

But what business is it of our elected officials in Washington to tell me what kind of car I should drive? If I want a 12 mile per gallon SUV crossing the country with a camper tied to the back for my family vacation, am I not wise enough to weigh the costs?

Detroit was in trouble before this legislation. These private businesses may well file bankruptcy because of the enormous R&D that will be employed to get larger vehicles to 35 mpg. It won't happen!

Lets be clear what liberals gleefully just did to us:

  • liberals imposed their will on private business
  • liberals eliminated our choices to buy the cars that we want to buy
  • liberals hiked the R&D costs to build and purchase the next generation of trucks
  • liberals may have sent the auto industry to its grave in America as result of its meddling

If liberals really cared about what American citizens paid at the gas pumps, liberals would do what conservatives have been fighting for. Liberals would bulldoze mother earth tree huggers and open up Anwar, the continental shelf of California, Florida, and the east coast. With greater supply of oil comes serious relief at the pump for all Americans.

Will liberals see the error of their ways? Not on your life- Liberals love tree huggers, the Sierra Club, PETA, and the global warming crowd more than the American family.

Liberals got their dream vote passed. Your freedoms have now been restricted, the auto business has now been commandeered, and Americans will pay again for liberal good intentions.

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