Everything natural about Spanish families: work ethic, entrepenuership, faith in God, sanctity of life issues, and marriage issues point toward Republicanism. Yet, the 40% of votes that GW Bush received may well be the highwater mark for Republicans for decades to come.
What do the Dem's have working for them that steals the Latino vote from the natural home of the Republicans?
- Immigration
- Sanctuary Cities
- Employer Sanctions
- Health Care
- Education
Every Democratic candidate running for President promises the following:
not to deport Spanish speaking people, not to shut the borders down, not to leave anyone uninsured (illegal or not), and to spend more on education (for legal or illegal citizens)-
Senator Harry Reid calls hard-working illegals "undocumented Americans". Nancy Pelosi declares those who cross the borders at night to be "Great citizens of humanity".
In a strange twist of fate, this Latino voting block is more Republican than most Republicans. After all, what Latino community in America is not defined deeply by their devotion to faith, family, marriage, sanctity of life, and a hard work ethic? Are these not the basic values Republicanism at the core? They certainly are not values of the Democrats.
These good people don't abort babies; they have large families. They don't look for handouts or excuses. They work grueling jobs. Spanish folks love family life, marriage, children- everything that Republicanism and traditional Americans value highly.
So why are Latinos en masse jumping ship that cast their votes with wishy washy liberal Democrats?
Republicans, outside of the Bush's Jeb & George, have made few strides to cast a big net capturing the hearts and minds of Latino citizens. Democrats, on the other hand, have promised welfare programs and the moon for Latinos including more government spending...but this is un-American.
The magic of the American republic has always been to assimilate the hard-working citizens of the world by promising an equal opportunity; not an equal outcome. Its the promise of hope and a future; not a government that will care for the social needs of the people. America is the land of personal freedom and liberty to faithfully pursue dreams, ambitions, and desires without red tape, bureacracy, and politicians getting in your way.
It was President Reagan who spoke about "Shining city on a hill" with its allure of prosperity, hope, and faith that so captured the imaginations of Americans. Work hard and aspire to be our best being proud to be American was his message. And let government do little for you, since you are capable of achieving the dreams God has placed in your heart.
Is this not the message every immigrant falls in love with when coming to our America?
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