Friday, August 25, 2006

Where Is Israel's Andrew Jackson?

It was the fiery General Andrew Jackson who rode into Spain’s West Florida in 1823.

He captured and hung two English citizens of spying for Indians in Spanish territory, tore down the Spanish flag replacing it with the Stars and Stripes, and gave everyone in Spanish Florida reason to fear the American General.

The King and parliament of Spain and England expressed shock and demanded an immediate apology from the United States government for such a naked act of aggression. Europe was horrified.

President Monroe was irate and embarrassed by Jackson’s charade. He left town leaving his vice-president the thankless task of addressing Spain, Andrew Jackson, and all of Europe.

What on earth could the vice-president say to a stunned world watching naked American aggression?

A crafty letter was the answer. The letter indicated the dismay and dissatisfaction America bore with Spain’s handling of West Florida. The Spaniards had been warned to control those living in their lands or else. Hadn't wild Indians destroyed American settlements and families one too many times America’s taste?

Since the Spaniards were incapable of civilizing their own lands, the American cavalry was the only recourse left, according to the letter, to protect her own citizens from the savages that roamed the land. Thus, the terror and mayhem of killing innocent American civilians on the plains of beautiful West Florida had been halted by gutsy General Jackson. The toast and greatest hero of America could hardly be reprimanded, though he deserved it. Of course, history would later call him Mr. President.

Israel might learn a thing or two here. America found its moral cause for intervention, sympathy was availed, and American citizens were nobly protected by the American cavalry at the borders of civilization.

How different is Israel’s cause to protect its own citizens from the Hezbollah in Lebanon than that of America’s West Florida in 1823?

Is not Hezbollah’s design to destroy the nation of Israel? Does not Hezbollah target children and women in Israel and celebrate to Allah their deaths? Is not Hezbollah the same group that hides its well-trained militia behind the women and children of Lebanon as shields against precision guided Israeli weaponry?

Will Prime Minister Ohlmert rise up to be the Andrew Jackson of Israel? Should not Prime Minister Ohlmert issue the Monroe Doctrine of Israel to its neighboring nations to secure its sovereignty?

Ohlmert should send the following message:

Since the UN resolution 1559 for six years has been ignored by the Lebanese government to disarm Hezbollah, a threat to the civilized world and Israel’s existence; since Hezbollah, a known terrorist organization, has been elected by the Lebanese people into parliament to represent Lebanon; since Hezbollah initiated transgressions capturing Israeli soldiers in Israeli territory; since Hezbollah has fired thousands of missiles into Israel as acts of provocation against innocent citizens- for this Israel must decisively act.

For these reasons shall Israel defend its land, its people, and its sovereignty against the evil acts of an oppressive militia in Lebanon that seeks the destruction of Israel.

* A cease fire is unacceptable.
* A truce is unacceptable.
* War is declared on Hezbollah and any other organization that aids Hezbollah’s fight against Israel’s sovereignty.

Since the Lebanese government is unable to control the barbaric acts of violence against Israeli citizens, Israel will pull an Andrew Jackson.

As General Andrew Jackson eliminated threats of violence against American citizens by invading West Florida and securing the peace, should not Israel invade Lebanon? Should Prime Minister Ohlmert not secure the perimeter of Lebanon’s northern, eastern and southern borders while hunting down every Hezbollah terrorist inside Lebanon simultaneously?

Had General Andrew Jackson been around to see Prime Minister Ohlmert issue such a decree, I do believe he would be proud to call Ohlmert friend.

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